Iron Man 3: Stills, poster and more plot details are released

After the two teasers we already could bring you yesterday and today, we have more Iron Man 3 news for you today.

Marvel's President of Production, Kevin Feige, released plot detail, episode stills and a teaser poster for the movie that will hit cinema's next year May. Take a look at them here:

Tony Stark is partially suited up in his 'dressing room'

 In the previous Iron Man and Avengers movie, Tony Stark wore seven different suits. But Stark is developing the suit further and further and this suit will be the most advanced version we have seen until now. Also the way Stark gets his suit on, will be more advanced than it was.

 Here you can see the new Iron Man suit, that Tony Stark has developed, and his new gadgets.

Here we can see Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) holding one of Iron Man's masks, after Tony Stark's mansion was blown up by the Mandarin.

During the three movies with Iron Man that are already released (Iron Man 1, Iron Man 2 and The Avengers) we saw Pepper Potts and Tony Stark growing in their relationship. In Iron Man 3 their relationship will be filled with a lot of trial and retribution. Potts will get a big part in the new movie.

Further Kevin Feige let know that the goal of Iron Man 3 is to show that one superhero is at least equally interesting as a whole team of Avengers.

Make sure to check our site tomorrow for the first full Iron Man 3 trailer.
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